We specialize in working in conjunction with government relations teams to advocate their position to appointed or elected decision makers.
Educate – Identify – Mobilize
Being A Good Corporate Neighbor Pays Future Dividends!
RLS is an expert in community engagement and how to get the best return for your investment in your community. For a number of our clients we have conducted what we call a “Community Engagement Analysis” that assesses a company’s community engagement program and determines if your resources are being used effectively, are you getting the best return on your investment and what can be done more effectively at a minimal cost to generate more goodwill in the area that you operate.
The Community Assessment Analysis Examines the Following:
- We assess your current program and how effective it is at creating goodwill within your market and the diversity of that good will, is it being spread around so that when needed there are supporters in several different organizations, demographics and neighborhoods that have benefited and will be willing to step up.
- What untapped opportunities exist that would increase your local or regional profile and what would the cost be?
- Are there untapped opportunities we can create that would raise your community profile without spending more resources?
- Are you getting the local media coverage you should be getting for your efforts and if not, how can we ensure that you get the proper coverage in the future?
How our clients benefit:
- Positive news stories in the local media.
- Creating alliances with community organizations.
- Creating an ongoing dialogue with your neighbors and former opponents.
- Creating an ongoing relationship with the elected officials through outreach, tours and responding to their constituents.
- Involving the elected officials in your outreach programs.
- Have you created and maintained a database of the residents you have had contact with in the community? This is an invaluable tool when you need to reach out for support.
All of these are essential and necessary in creating substantial goodwill within your community that your business is a part of. Whether you are a local aggregate company or a multinational corporation, “all politics is local”.